It's a new cyberworld. Is your staffing company prepared?

  • Wednesday, October 13, 2021
  • 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM




Cybersecurity is high on the agendas of staffing company executives because cyber crime is a serious issue. Regardless of company size, security breaches result in reputational damage and material business disruption. Developing and managing an effective cybersecurity program is becoming a necessity in today’s internet-driven economy. Failure to assess and manage cyber risks can lead to financial and reputational ruin. UHY’s cybersecurity professionals address the issue as a strategic business risk. We tailor each cybersecurity engagement to the needs of companies.

Key learning objectives

  • Analyze security issues to secure an IT infrastructure
  • Prevent harm to—or destruction of—computer networks, applications, devices, and data
  • Develop procedures to manage enterprise security risks
  • Evaluate and communicate the human role in security systems


UHY Presenter: Norman Comstock, Managing Director - UHY Consulting

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